We create & Host forms
Best value, Best experience

Get instant feedback, surveys or Registrations

Basic $55 BZ

Perfect for event registrations and surveys. Reports can be accessed for $20BZ per PDF report or Excel Sheet database.

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Provide instant hassle-free quotations and orders in real-time

Standard: $95 BZ

All Basic features + 1 PDF report and 1 database report included upon request. Additional reports and database access available for $20BZ each.

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Access Database & Quantitative Report in PDF

Premium: $190 BZ

All Standard features + access to data in Excel or CSV format, and PDF reports upon request. Branded with preferred color & short link provided.

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Online Forms

that will save you time and money while getting results

Have an existing WordPress site...

and want to create and host interactive form(s) on your website instead? contact us.